Product Composition Risk Management

When I first heard the term Software Composition Analysis (SCA), I was excited to hear of a new vision for what was thought of as only an open source discovery tool. I knew the vendors in this new SCA space were thinking more deeply about the problems faced by product owners than just generating a bill of materials which detailed the open source code used by and distributed with their proprietary code.

However, after thinking about the broad spectrum of what SCA vendor are actually doing, I came to realize that the only word in that market categorization which is fully applicable is: composition. Both the words software and analysis are far too narrow for the work being done by SCA vendors.

Software, Firmware, and Webware

Even while they have been benefitting by this market category, SCA vendors have been processing not only their customers’ desktop and server software, but also their mobile application software, device firmware, and webware written with open web APIs.  Just being positioned as servicing “software” limits the perception of the wide variety of intellectual property delivery and deployment models SCA vendors process daily.

Risk Detection, Assessment, and Mitigation

Merriam-Webster defines analysis to be a “separation of a whole into its component parts”. Not only is this redundant with the word composition, but SCA vendors have gone beyond simply identifying open source components.

SCA users have consistently received more than a bill of open source materials. They have achieved well-defined business outcomes that have resulted in minimized risk around the security, data privacy, operations, license compliance, and terms of use compliance.

Product Composition Risk Management

Therefore, to represent the actual scope of benefits provided by SCA vendors, the category “Product Composition Risk Management” is more appropriate.

A modern digital product is composed of one’s own proprietary code, code from commercial and non-commercials providers, and web service providers. The word product is not limited to software, firmware, mobile, or web development; it encompasses all modes of digital product composition which use all types of intellectual property.

There is risk in composing one’s product only from one’s own proprietary code, which is why that code is measured against multiple non-functional requirements. However, composing one’s product from intellectual property owned by others creates an inherent risk that is much greater. You don’t know the care with which that IP was created and don’t know the resources available to maintain it.

SCA vendors not only identify open source risk, they assess the risk, and provide mitigation alternatives for their customers.

So, while the SCA market categorization served its purpose for a few years, it is time to acknowledge the greater benefits that SCA vendors bring to a customer’s entire supply chain.